& Concierge services

& Concierge services

Marketing activities

Marketing activities

Assistance and support services

Assistance and support services

Relocation and help with settling in a new location

Moving of current life and lifestyle to a completely different place is always a big change. We will take care of your relocation so that this change is a pleasant step forward for you. We know our country as well as our cities and conditions and thanks to the best professionals we can secure the relocation so that you (almost) will not notice it. We will prepare an entirely new home for you with everything that goes with it.

We are a proud local partner of EuRA – The European Relocation Association.

Relocation portfolio

  • Help with finding the best housing, whether to buy or to rent
  • Taking care of the whole agenda regarding housing
  • Finding school facilities for children
  • Orientation, setting up services, getting acquainted with the neighbourhood (the nearest office, grocery store, pet shop, doctor, restaurants)

Visa and permits

You can leave the administrative work entirely to us. What is an illegible thorny path for clients is a walk through the rose garden for us. You will only receive a welcome bouquet and a fan of processed documents from us.

Administrative service: 

  • Registration at the Foreign Police department

  • Processing of temporary or permanent residence

  • Visa, employee card, proof of accommodation

  • Registration of medical insurance

  • Arrangement of parking permit

Move support

We will take care of your move so you will feel as if you have not even left your former home. We supervise the whole process and we take complete responsibility for your move, there will be no burden on your shoulders associated with the move. You will lend us the keys to the current property at the beginning and you will receive the keys to the new home at the end.

Moving services:

  • Coordination and supervision of the complete moving process

  • Preparation of new housing (cleaning, the best supplier of utilities and internet connection, insurance, car services)

  • Packing and unpacking of goods, shopping for household goods

  • Help with customs clearance

  • Setting up services, assistance with moving out (termination of services, moving out, handing over real estate, billing, mail forwarding)

Concierge assistance

Concierge knows you, understands you and precedes your wishes. We will take over your mundane routine concerns so you can spend more time on what is truly important – family, friends, personal development and hobbies.

Frequently used services:

  • Hard-to-get tickets for sport and cultural events

  • Creating travel itinerary

  • Reservation of various tickets and air tickets

  • Buying gifts including packing and delivery

  • Complaint handling

  • Help in household (repairman, handyman, plumber, cleaning lady)

  • Assistance with authority offices – based on the power of attorney

  • Billing services from suppliers, payments

  • Car service (service, tire re-treading, state technical inspection, registration)

  • Finding the best doctor specialist

  • Translations

  • Pick up of goods from list of requests

  • Transport services

  • IT services (setting, maintenance, advising)

White label

Clients are increasingly longing for the widest portfolio of services, which would provided by as few entities as possible. If you need to add another service for your clients, for which you do not have the internal capacity, we will be delighted to take care of it. Furthermore, we will present ourselves with your brand, use your communication channels – simply, we will become a complete part of you.

Frequently used services:

  • Immigrant support

  • Relocation and DSP

  • Business travel visa

  • Concierge assistance

More about us

Concierge is a well-tuned service originally sounded in hotel business. However, we transferred this genre to everyday life and thus created a brand-new genre. We started working on the song with the principles of Concierge Management, which are reflected in everything we do. Precision, maximum focus on the listener and their desires, and tireless pursuit of perfection. Concierge Management, its vision, composition and daily life were born. Come and listen to us.

We orchestrate our performances to clients completely. We will only receive notes from you and we will assign them the right stylization, performers, frontman and budget, as extensive as the final composition will be.

You know the costs of studying your required score in advance. No one plays solo violin unnecessarily.

We feel the composer’s intention and choose the right group of artists and professionals for him so that we can play the best together.